We need to do way with dependence on aid
As Zimbabwe is building
its economy, what we needs now - without wasting any precious time -is business
from international organizations and not aid.
Given that ‘there are
no free lunches’ in the world such aid will only come at a cost and that is
what we can’t afford at the moment.
Aid stifles
entrepreneurial spirit and encourages a bloated bureaucracy that chokes off the
very business that is crucial for national economic growth.
It is a silent killer
of and has adverse effects on overall product competitiveness, wages, export
sector employment and ultimately growth.
To successfully rebuild
our economy, it is time for us as Zimbabweans to assume full control over our
economic and political destiny and not lean on foreign-funded institutions
whose role in the country remains shrouded in mystery.
Zimbabwe, as a country
should grasp the many means and opportunities available for improving the life
of Zimbabweans.
We have to destroy the
myth that aid is indispensable.
It is time for Zimbabwe
to start planning, substitute trade for Aid and try to foster relationships and
alliances with countries where there is real opportunity for Zimbabweans to
sell their produce.
There is a need to
attract FDI and support domestic investment.
Exiting aid dependency
should be at the top of the political agenda.
It requires a radical
shift both in the mindset and in the development strategy of the country and a deeper
and direct involvement of the people.
The national
development paradigm requires a radical and fundamental restructuring of the
institutional aid architecture at the global level which unfortunately the West
is not prepared to implement because of their vested interest in developing
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