Revamp Libraries, information centres

Information is power in all spheres of our lives, including national development. It is a vital resource in stimulating development.

Information centres are the original owners of that power (information). Thus, information resource providers (libraries and information centres) can play a significant role in national development through working partnerships with government and other stakeholders.

Therefore, Zimbabwe needs developed libraries and information resource centres for the purpose of disseminating timely and relevant information.

Libraries are by their very nature democratic in terms of disseminating and/or providing access to information to all people without fear or favour.

Remember, a society without developed libraries is tantamount to a person without a brain and memory.

The role of libraries and information centres in disseminating information needed for formulating development programmes is crucial for national development programmes.  Effective dissemination of information is needed in the achievement of balanced economic, social, cultural, technological and political development.

As social institutions, libraries reflect and shape society; they exist to serve the needs of their communities. They provide a broad range of information to diverse communities. In this sense, libraries are part of formal and informal community networks and initiatives that support national development programmes.

However, libraries and information centres in Zimbabwe seem to be in a very weak position to effectively play their crucial roles in ensuring the consolidation of national development. They face challenges such as under-funding, poor infrastructure, under-staffing, inadequate application of information technology and absence of a policy on library and information services in the country.

Therefore, the challenges facing libraries and information resource centres call for concerted action from government and other stakeholders. In order for libraries to effectively play their rightful role, the sector needs to be revamped based on forward looking policies and programmes.

Adequate funding should be made available for libraries across the board and library and information issues should be made core components of national policies - Lazarus Sauti.


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