Lazarus Sauti Maxwell Svedhani (34), a father of two girls from Bhora Juru Growthpoint, Mashonaland East Province, is living a hell of a life as he is mentally, physically and also sexually abused by Runako, her violent wife of nine years. “My wife hits me with her fists, kicks, burns, slams, punches, pushes and bites me in front of our children. On top of that, she oftenly threatens and intimidates me, denies me sex and food as well as locks me out of the house,” he said. Svedhani added that his wife belittles his abilities and competencies, initiates name-calling insults, and silently treats him in addition to subverting his relationship with the children. The battered man, who attempted homicide for four times, is suffering in silence and mostly fears for his children who are witnessing the violence as it is perpetrated by his wife on a daily basis. “My major trepidation is that my two precious girls who are witnessing this violence in our home might develop sig...
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