UN body concerned over delays in Kyoto Protocol ratification
Lazarus Sauti
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Executive
Secretary Christiana Figueres says the UN body is highly concerned with the
status of ratification of the Doha Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol.
She said the Doha amendment requires 144 ratifications to enter into force
and that the depository has received instruments of acceptance from only three
countries namely Barbados, Mauritius and the United Arab Emirates.
“With only three ratifications the second commitment of the Kyoto Protocol
will not take off hence the need for countries to take the legally binding
agreement seriously,” she said.
The Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change is an international treaty that sets binding obligations on industrialised
countries to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.
It is also an environmental treaty with the goal of preventing “dangerous”
anthropogenic (i.e., human-induced) interference of the climate system.
According to the UNFCC website, the Protocol “recognises that developed
countries are principly responsible for the current high levels of greenhouse
gas emissions in the atmosphere as a result of more than 150 years of
industrial activity, and places a heavier burden on developed nations under the
principle of “common but differentiated responsibilities.”
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