Samsung aims to double its smartphone sales in Africa in 2014

Lazarus Sauti

Thabiet Allie, head of content and services for Samsung Electronics Africa, says Samsung expects to supply half of the smartphones sold in Africa this year and aims to double these sales on the continent in 2014.

He told a telecoms conference in Cape Town, South Africa that his company this year will also ship 50 percent of all the smartphones in Africa.

“Out of the 100 million or so mobile phones sold in Africa this year, 20 million are smartphones and slightly more than half of those are models made by the South Korean company.

“Next year we are looking at doubling this number and the year after probably doing a substantial increase,” Allie said.

Allie also added that Africa has a growing young population that is increasingly tech savvy and urbanised.

This is attracting foreign sellers of consumer products like smartphones, especially as markets stagnate or shrink in more developed nations.



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