Promote Youth Skills

Lazarus Sauti

Organisation for Public Health Interventions and Development director Sara Page-Mtongwiza says enhancing youth leadership skills can play a crucial role in addressing challenges facing youth in Africa in the area of sexual and reproductive health.

Page-Mtongwiza told participants at a three-day African Youth Activists Network (AYAN) seminar that promoting youth skills would help strengthen the future of young Africans.

She said: “Enhancing youth leadership capacity skills is a critical catalyst in addressing problems facing young people in Africa in the area of sexual and reproductive health.

“The provision of platforms that enabled young people to sharpen their leadership skills would therefore help them to take charge and secure their future.”

Page-Mtongwiza said she is a passionate believer of the principles of sustainable development which is impossible without advancing the agenda of youth in countries within and across the great African continent.


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