Climate change to blame for mysterious fungi, fall armyworm outbreak
Lazarus Sauti
FARMERS IN Southern Africa, still
smarting from an El Nino-induced drought, are battling a new calamity, this
time in the form of the fall armyworm, which invaded farms in Malawi, Zambia
and Zimbabwe.
suggest that the alien armyworm munched some 2,000 hectares of maize fields in
Malawi and infested 124,000 hectares of maize fields in Zambia.
Zimbabwe, the fall armyworm attacked 10 farming provinces, heightening fears of
food shortages in the country.
Africa should be worried because the spread capacity of this strange armyworm
is very high, says David Phiri of the United Nations Food and Agricultural
Organisation (FAO).
adds that if not controlled, the fall armyworm can have devastating effects on
food security.
the first report of outbreaks of the fall armyworm in West and Central Africa,
entomologist, Georg Goergen, of the International Institute of Tropical
Agriculture (IITA), also says the fall armyworm is voracious and, given its
polyphagous nature, it is expected that its accidental introduction in the
African continent will constitute a lasting threat to several important crops
such as maize, millet, sorghum, rice, wheat and sugar cane.
damage is also observed on other major agricultural crops such as cowpea,
groundnut, potato, soyabean and cotton,” he adds.
fall armyworm is not the only threat to food security in Zimbabwe as a
mysterious black fungi epidemic is also destroying baobab trees in dryer parts
of Chimanimani, Chipinge and Buhera.
tree, considered to be sacred in the country, is very useful as locals use it
for its nutritious fruits, edible leaves as well as beautiful flowers.
made from mauyu (baobab fruits) is tasty as well as nutritious. It has saved us
from dying, especially in these times of drought,” says a Buhera villager,
Noreen Chimwaza. “Sadly, a mysterious disease is wiping baobab trees. The trees
are turning black before they die, exposing us to acute food shortages.”
Mupira of the National Museums and Monuments of Zimbabwe acknowledges the
presence of the mysterious disease and depicts the situation as dire.
what is causing the outbreak of the fall armyworm that is chewing important
crops such as maize in Zimbabwe and other regional countries, as well as the
mysterious black fungi that is wiping away baobab trees in dryer parts of
Chimanimani, Chipinge and Buhera?
researcher, Ronald Chimunda, blames climate change for causing the 2015/16
drought, which in turn led to the outbreak of black fungi that is destroying
baobab trees, as well as the fall armyworm that is chewing maize crops in
Zimbabwe, Malawi and Zambia.
change, the biggest threat we are facing today, is heavily to blame for the
outbreak of the fall armyworm. This is so because the spread of the fall
armyworm is influenced by weather conditions,” he says.
agreed that, “Severe outbreaks of fall armyworm usually coincide with the onset
of the wet season, especially when the new cropping season follows a long
period of drought.”
change and human development, adds environmentalist, Nomatter Mapfumo, caused
drought in dryer parts of the country and chances are very high that this
stressed baobab trees, reducing their abilities to withstand the mysterious
black fungi that is obliterating them.
for environmentalist, Peace Sibanda, the increase in pests linked to climate
change is no longer a futuristic protrusion, but a genuine case that requires
adequate investments in research and development if the country is to curb
agricultural and environmental problems caused by climate change.
recognising the threats of fungi that is destroying baobab trees as well as the
fall armyworm that is making farmers to ‘sweat’ all the time can work towards
wonders in saving our environment and crops respectively, adequate research is
required to minimise all problems caused by climate change,” he sums up.
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