Beware of Greeks bearing gifts
Lazarus Sauti
Beware of Greeks
bearing gifts.
This is a metaphor that
strongly discourages trusting your enemies, and it is one and the same with
Beware of Greeks
bearing gifts comes out of a story where the ancient Greeks won a famous
military victory against the Trojans, who unwisely accepted the gift of a large
horse which concealed Greek soldiers who infiltrated the city at night.
As the continent of
Africa is always the recipient of foreign aid – gift – from powerful nations,
it should view this assistance with scepticism and suspicion as most of this
assistance is “ring-fenced”.
The continent should be
wary of “Greeks bearing gifts” because the aid is coming from former colonisers
who are even prepared to bleed the continent of its enormous resources using
gifts as baits.
Joram Nyathi, the Group
Political Editor at Zimbabwe Newspapers, agrees that African countries must be
fully conscious when dealing with foreign aid assistance as the need for
external funding to raise productivity exposes the continent to the whims of
charlatan Samaritans and capitalists of various hues purporting to bring in
foreign direct investment.
He advises that the
continent of Africa must at all times be fully conscious that it is dealing
with the proverbial Greeks bearing gifts.
Subscribing to Nyathi’s
assertions, Masimba Brian Mavhudzi, development practitioner based in Harare,
adds that foreign aid attached with hidden agendas is cancerous to the
socio-economic development of the continent.
Quoting Julio Caesar,
the Roman general, statement, Consul, and notable author of Latin prose, who
once said “give them bread and they will never revolt”, Mavhudzi notes that the
so-called aid offering is intended to distract attention of Africans from real
“In ancient Rome, bread
was used to keep the underprivileged poor people quiet. Therefore, in our case,
developed nations are using aid assistance as gifts to foil discontent while
looting our resources,” he says, adding that “with all aid resources channeled
in the continent, why Africa is the only continent where poverty in some parts
is actually increasing? This questions the impact of foreign aid (gifts
concealed in a big horse) to the development of the continent.”
This, therefore, means
the continent of Africa needs to wake up, and use its sufficient natural and
human resources to transform her economy. The continent should not be enticed
with small toxic gifts, but should be an equal partner in the global market
Currently, most African
countries are on the sidelines as only sources of raw materials. Their crime is
simply that they are receiving gifts from powerful nations, and as a result,
they do not have a say when it comes to serious development issues.
Because of this, Lin Songtian,
the Director of the Department of African Affairs in the Republic of China’s
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, says Africa will never be socially and politically
independent if it continues to rely on ‘gifts concealed in big horses’.
“Powerful countries
should not just give gifts in the form of foreign aid assistance, but foster
win-win partnerships that are based on mutual trust and respect,” agrees Rogers
C Riddel, in his book “Does Foreign Aid Really Work?”
Further to that, Africa
needs a transformative developmental framework. This framework, according to
Carlos Lopes, the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa,
requires an adequate, predictable, sustainable and integrated financing
mechanism geared towards financing developmental goals.
“The better use of
Official Development Assistance nowadays should be to create the support
mechanisms that would allow Africans to benefit from their own wealth rather
than providing foreign aid,” adds Lopes.
Poetically, the British
have a saying that there is no such thing as free lunch. This is a popular
adage communicating the idea that it is impossible to get something for
Accordingly, countries
within and across the African continent should be wary of aid that comes with
strings attached. In fact, they must at all times be fully conscious that they
are dealing with the proverbial Greeks bearing gifts. If they unwisely accept
the gifts, developed nations will devour Africa and her citizenry.
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