New technologies: An opportunity for Zimbabwe

Lazarus Sauti New technologies represent an opportunity for Zimbabwe. In the country, one child in two does not finish schooling due to different challenges. Accordingly, if the child cannot go to school, then the school must go to the child and this is possible thanks to new technologies, among other things. The arrival of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs), albeit at a slower pace, is revolutionising the lives of many people across the country. Information technology (IT) expert, Frank Muzenda says the world has changed and school kids are embracing technology the same way as adults who have graduated from telephones and computers to cell-phones and i-pads, which makes it necessary to use e-learning solutions to enhance learning. Muzenda says: “Technology has taken over and it is a digital world. Children are no longer excited by just listening to the teachers.” Therefore, to effectively benefit from new technologies, the government should embrace ICTs ...