Promote rights of older people
Lazarus Sauti Ageism, discrimination and denial of rights in older age continue to be tolerated across the African continent as existing human rights mechanisms fail to adequately protect and promote the rights of older people. As such, older men and women of Africa continue to live miserable lives of poverty and lack basic human rights needs including access to a secure income, shelter and food. Yinka Olaito, a communications specialist passionate about African development, says c urrently Africa has approximately 60 million people aged 60 years and above and by 2030, there will be 103 million older women and men in Africa. “The rights related to these people are ignored in most, if not all, African countries. “Older people, especially the uneducated ones, are forced to either depend on their children or to beg on the public roads and streets,” he said. Oftenly, older people are disrespected and isolated because of negative stereotypes, a fact supported by research...