Can science help improve food security?

Lazarus Sauti This humble pen picked from Jan Piotrowski, specialist in science and technology issues, says food security is an issue that touches all aspects of the sustainable development agenda, from agriculture and environmental management to economics, governance and social equality. He also stresses that food security is a challenge with no simple solution. True to Piotrowski’s assertions, it is estimated that the world’s population will reach around nine billion by 2050, and as a result, demand for food is going to increase. For that reason, the Southern African Development Community is not spared by this population growth, and would need to increase crop production since it has the greatest potential to feed this projected population. Sadly, while the world population is growing, the amount of available cropland, fresh water and other key resources is not. The number of undernourished people, for instance, already exceeds one billion. Providing solution to...